Ignite Sport


Youth Development Coordinator

Michael joined the Ignite Sport team in 2022. He has journeyed with Ignite Sport through our Naenae College programmes dating back to 2015 all the way to 2018. Since then, Michael has kept strong relationships with our organisation and team, and in 2022 decided to start his youth work journey with us.

Michael loves being able to invest time into young people, whether it is a catch up or just hanging out on one of our programmes and he loves a good yarn!

Michael loves to get himself involved in things that are important to him. He also loves to show his passion and care in everything that he does.


Help Michael make a difference...

At Ignite Sport we rely on the generosity of others to help financially support our staff to do the work they do.

If you would like to specifically support Michael please set up an automatic payment online with your bank to Ignite Sport account number 12-3142-0276022-01. Please be sure to use "Michael" as particulars and your name as the reference.

Please remember to then email us your name, address, the amount of support, and frequency so we can ensure you receive a tax receipt in April, and to say thanks! 

One-off donations also most welcome to the same account number if you prefer.