Ignite Sport

Over Labour Weekend Ignite Sport had the privilege of taking a team to the Riverbend Sports Camp in Havelock North, Hawkes Bay. We took a competitive team of 27, including 20 young people from Hutt Valley High School, Porirua College, Naenae College and Wainuiomata High. It was a jam-packed weekend of competition, and we placed 5th out of 8 teams in the overall championship - taking out the Men’s Volley, Men’s Beach Volley, and Petanque trophies. Phenomenal work team! The Ignite Sport team also reached the finals in Softball, Hockey, Croquet, and the semi finals for Women's Basketball and Netball. Special mention to Jack Hammond who won the cross country.


The highlights were the chance to enjoy sport and tough competition, to give new sports a try, the friendly yet competitive environment of the camp, and most certainly the opportunity to meet new people and become like whanau:

“My favourite part of the sports camp was the bond we had.  I learnt how to work as a team better, and have fun.” 

“I feel like the Ignite team are family and everything this weekend was amazing.”

“Something that was really good about the programme was the people around me, they kept such a positive vibe that everyone was able to feed off of.  I learnt more about making friends and having the confidence to talk to them.  My favourite thing was just meeting new people”.


This was our very first time taking a team to Riverbend Sports Camp, and having had such a positive time together, we are keen to make this an annual part of the Ignite Sport calendar!


Thanks to the young people who joined us and gave 110% to each game, and to the Anne Sinclair Trust for your generous funding support and making it all possible.


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